You know your event page could draw more internet traffic if it held high value content. But you’re not an expert on the topic of the event. Who could create a well-written, timely, relevant piece that would show up on searches performed by your target audience?...
Companies have logo’d pens and chap sticks, memo pads and travel mugs. If you’ve been to a conference you’ve received plenty of these type item. I call these small, less than $5 items, goodies. They can be a great little treat that keeps a logo in someone’s...
Stories are powerful, especially personal stories. How can you harness the power of personal stories at your next event? Identify the type of story you need. Stories of hope? Survival? A journey of faith? Try to find a phrase that describes the type of...
March 31, 2015 was the Tuesday afternoon before Easter, and we were preparing for several groups to arrive that weekend. I’ll never forget standing outside the Pritchell Mezzanine with my co-workers and staring in shock as thick clouds of smoke engulfed our...