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7 Men’s Event Themes to Inspire You

Jan 11, 2024

Retreats geared toward the men in your church or ministry are a wonderful way to disciple the men in your organization, as well as foster a bond of brotherhood. Whether you choose to host a men’s retreat for a day, weekend, or week, it is important to build your event content around a theme. Themes keep your messaging centralized and give your attendees expectations before they even arrive. We hope these seven men’s event themes will encourage your creativity as you plan your next faith-based conference.

“Lead like Jesus”

Men are often told to lead in their homes, communities, and churches, but what does the Bible say about leading well? This conference theme will look at the life of Jesus and how he led during his earthly ministry. Inspire attendees to mimic Jesus as they lead in every area of their lives.

“Men of Prayer”

The spiritual disciplines of praying and fasting are often overlooked or placed on the back burner of the Christian walk. This conference theme will explore the importance of prayer and what the Bible says about fasting. Encourage attendees by sharing the stories of men of faith in the Scriptures who lived out prayer-filled lives.

“Defend the Faith”

This theme will equip your attendees to defend their faith in a secular world. Teach the men of your organization the basics of apologetics and give them the tools needed to hold gospel-centered conversations with those who have differing views.

“Go Therefore”

The Great Commission is a passage of Scripture that many Christians know and can recite, but what does it look like to live out that command? This conference theme will equip men to be confident in sharing the gospel with those in their communities and workplaces.

“Fight the Good Fight”

Spiritual battles of good and evil aren’t a thing of storybooks. According to Scripture, it is a daily war that Christians must wage against. This conference theme explores what the Bible says about spiritual forces and how to put on the armor of God daily.


The digital age has hurt the mental and spiritual well-being of men. This conference theme will explore unplugging from social media and plugging into God’s Word, through spending time in creation. Attendees will be encouraged to fast from their smartphones and spend time in nature connecting with God and each other. Consider leading a guided hike, an overnight backpacking trip, or a camping weekend to further emphasize this theme.


Scripture has a lot to say about living life in a community with other believers. Encourage your attendees to build strong friendships with other men in your organization. Focus on the importance of accountability and how your attendees can sharpen one another.

Christian men’s conferences and retreats encourage and embolden men of faith. We hope these seven men’s event themes have sparked your imagination. No matter what theme you choose for your next event, men will strengthen their relationship with God, connect with like-minded brothers in Christ, and find the courage to continue fighting the good fight. Your next event can serve as a much-needed reminder for attendees– that they are seen, known, and equipped to serve in their homes, churches, and communities.

1 Comment

  1. Charles Renfroe

    I am eager to learn all i can about strengtheing men in their walk with Christ


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