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Valuable Content You Don’t Have To Write

Feb 10, 2022

You know your event page could draw more internet traffic if it held high value content. But you’re not an expert on the topic of the event. Who could create a well-written, timely, relevant piece that would show up on searches performed by your target audience? Fortunately, you identified experts in the target field when you chose someone known and respected by your specific audience– your event speakers!

Start with a short email or phone discussion with your speakers. Have they written anything recently they think the audience would benefit from? An article, a report, an excerpt from an upcoming book? If it has been previously published they might need to seek permission from the publisher to share it on your site. If they haven’t produced anything relevant, ask if they’d be willing to. What should you ask for? It depends on the topic and audience. Brainstorm together. Even small things like a template, checklist or one page industry overview can communicate valuable information and show off expertise.

If your speaker(s) balk at the idea of sharing or producing content, see if they’d be willing to participate in a live webchat Q&A session, or webinar. It is very appealing to audiences to have specific questions answered by an industry expert, and you can record the session and produce a transcript, both to be posted to your event homepage.

All of these options help create valuable content for your event page that you don’t have to personally write and research. Once you have some high-value content, be sure to highlight it on your site, making it clearly understandable what it is, who it is for, and how to download or view it. Expert produced content is very appealing for audiences and says to potential event registrants “We know what you need and we can provide high-value information.”


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